Game Developer and Organizer for the Portland Indie Game Squad.

Will Lewis @scartheatre

Age 35, Male


Portland, OR

Joined on 2/24/08

Exp Points:
1,040 / 1,110
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5.24 votes
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> 100,000
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scartheatre's News

Posted by scartheatre - May 10th, 2010

So here's a new one. Looking to do the artwork for a game and am playing lots of music lately.

Fun fun sprites.

I'm tired of looking at my old post.

Posted by scartheatre - February 15th, 2010

So I'm sitting here listening to some Beatlesesque song that I'm thinking about making an animation to, but I had been inspired by something that reminded me of a typography animation. And yes, I said "but." I thought that typography animations were cool when I first saw them, but enough is enough and I'm getting a little bored of them. And I really get this "indie, trendy asshole" vibe from them and I'm just not going to let it slide.

You see, Portland is just full of fuckers that don't eat meat and will participate in a protest over a damn sapling getting chooped down despite the fact that they'd drive on a sidewalk to veer around an old lady crossing the street due to their perpetually abrasive attitudes. Like, I was attempting to communicate with a woman who owns an organic foods store (like I thought she'd buy anything) and screenprint some t-shirts for her business, but she wouldn't shut the fuck up about how gay people were and stuff (without using the word "gay," of course). She was even mentioning this one law that does something like protect tyrannical tycoons from getting sued if they bend a bunch of people over and take 'em out back, but she'd end her statements about it with "I don't really know what it's all about, BUT IT'S BAD." So these are the kind of people that typography animations remind me of (for what reason, I'm still not entirely sure). Not necessarily ignorant (scratch those last three words) but abrasive types that attempt to force their green thumb up your ass like the dictator they're attempting to combat themselves.

Like, this guy:

/* */
Yeah, he has a British accent, but he just sounds like your everyday "I'm right and you're just a fat American douchebag" Portland kid (even though I'm not fat you stupid asshole). And one thing that specifically bothers me about this one is that the "typography animation" genre doesn't even fit the animation. It must've been for an After Effects final or something, which is a shame that teachers are doing that to me because I don't think I'd be able to log into YouTube one day and handle seeing one as an ad or something. Speaking of YouTube, I just shoved a steel pole up my ass with that one, huh? Typography animations will be coming up in my "recommended videos" for weeks. Fuck.

And, I mean, not ALL typography animations are totally shitty in my opinion. I actually enjoy "I Met the Walrus," although it still did make me cringe when I saw them little images all walkin' around like the more refined cousins of typographical animation pieces that they are.

/* */
So it's not all bad. But man, a majority of Portland kids are just the 'ol needle in my haystack. And I'll admit that I live in this damned hell hole of a metropolitan area, that I'm ranting because I'm somewhat abrasive as a result of being infected by the swell of faggots in the area, and that this animation I'm thinking of doing may resemble that of a typography animation, but I just want to put something on Newgrounds again because I love you all so much and want you to enjoy the shit that gets pumped through the wires of my computer and onto this treasure galaxy of a site.

Just don't EEEEVEN think about showing me "this really cool typography animation I saw the other day" because chances are, it was made by some kid in Portland that's tried to get me to sign a petition for legalizing marijuana. Actually, that kid was probably homeless.

Posted by scartheatre - January 7th, 2010

Frontpage!? Get real!

I'm going to make a cartoon just in honor of this divine experience.

Posted by scartheatre - January 3rd, 2010

Please take a look at my new Flash, "The Adventures of Loto," and let me know what you think! It's a humorous take on Enix/SquareEnix's Dragon Quest series, featuring the cutest figurehead of them all!


Contributing to the ever-shallow Dragon Quest Flash pool.

Posted by scartheatre - November 28th, 2009

I just finished the first Flash I deem Newgrounds-worthy. Please give it a watch and a rating.


New Animation

Posted by scartheatre - November 15th, 2009

Does anyone have any recommendations for books or websites that begin to teach Actionscript (2.0 or 3.0) at a start-from-scratch, basic level?

I would appreciate suggestions on the matter.

Posted by scartheatre - November 3rd, 2009

Working on a project called "Decay," and another project involving the screenshot below. Either will release soon.

And if anyone would be willing to program a pinball game and collaborate, let me know :D

'S all.


Posted by scartheatre - September 12th, 2009

I'm currently working on a music video titled "Decay," which was conceived when I was in the middle of a waking moment while listening to Polygon Window's "Bike Pump Meets Bucket." This is the first time I've done something like this, so we'll see how it turns out. A screenshot is below.

As for another first, I was curious as to how difficult it would be to find a team on Newgrounds to assist me in the composition of a third party Advance Wars MMO, complete with new levels, a slew of new units, new CO's, new music, etc. I'm thinking of taking the music side of things over with my friend Jake (I'll hopefully have some tracks up relatively soon) and am thinking of other roles that would need to be fulfilled, like programmers, sprite artists, character artists, statistical designers, a production manager, etc. If anyone would be interested in a project of this large of a scale, let me know, and I'd be glad to team up with you! I'll have many more details in the future - right now, it's just an idea that I'm more-than-likely to pursue...

Decay and Advance Wars MMO

Posted by scartheatre - June 30th, 2009

I'm working with Portland filmmaker Kelley Baker for a class that I'm taking at the Northwest Film Center to make the credits/titles for a short film we shot a few weekends ago. If anyone knows of any very low-key, semi-humourous, semi-rushed feeling songs on here that would probably work well for a credits reel, let me know so that I can contact the composer!

And if you're a composer, please send me what you think would be appropriate for this short film, which tells a story about how two couples frantically miscommunicate the night of a dinner together. If we choose to use it, all I can promise is a "special thanks" in the credits (which definitely includes your name and website, if desired). We will ask for nonexclusive rights just to use the song in the credits of the short film, the film will fulfill noncommercial purposes and will most likely serve educational purposes in the future, and will be showcased at film festivals around the United States.

If you're interested, let me know!

Posted by scartheatre - May 21st, 2009

If anyone knows what's up with this, I'd be forever in your debt; I'm just plain baffled.

A cartoon that I'm working on starts out with a short bit of music and continues with animation that does not have sound, which is then followed by a character speaking. When I drew the character's mouth to sync it to the audio (I'm doing this frame-by-frame), it matches perfectly when I observe the sound wave on the timeline as well as when I play the movie within the Flash interface. When I export or preview the movie, however, my character's voice plays instantly after the music is finished, ignoring the silence I placed in between the two sound files and causing my character's mouth to move several seconds after the sound of his voice has played.

I'm using Flash Pro 8, the sound file is an .mp3, I've tried setting it to "Start," "Stream," and "Event," it's in its own layer, and it's preceded by blank keyframes. Does anyone know what the problem could be?